It is Sunday afternoon and I am on my sofa, with my blanket and tea, enjoying the last sunlights of the day. It seems like it has to be warm outside, but it isn't: it is just one of those bitter cold days of Spring that tries to catch you with a bit of sunshine. And I always fall for it! So after a bit of gardening, I decided to head back indoors and cozy up.
I also have my diary and journal next to me: I am decided to be very organised this next month. And of course... now my first 90-day plan of the year is over! So it is time to plan the next one.
If you don't know what I am talking about, basically is a new technique I have applied to my business these last months and it really helped me achieve my goals.
I used to check my objectives and goals at the end of each month, and that was fine but it is hard to see the progression and the bigger picture.
Doing a 90-day plan helps me to see my progress. From these past months, which felt a bit slow and not that productive, it has helped me to see that I actually have achieved some objectives: I managed to get couple of client bookings and a booking to rent the studio.
Maybe it has been more productive that I thought.
It's important to focus on what we have achieved instead on only to what we want to achieve. It is very easy to get caught up in a spiralling cycle of never enough and frustration! I also started to write again my little wins, that really helps to stay positive :)
So I am ready to plan April, May and June, which are looking busier so I am pretty excited about it.
And if you have found the last 90 days hard like I did, I really encourage you to do a reset, to write down what you want to achieve, to create a little Pinterest board with inspiring images - that really helps me as well - and... just breathe. Just pause for a second and say to yourself:
"You are doing well and you will do even better". We will be no fool this April! 😉