In these times, especially these last 2 years, we have been almost forced to sell online.
I like to think that our website is the store we would love to have: the space where we welcome clients and where we sell our products or services.
And I like to imagine that Instagram is like the display window from our store.
The same way you would decorate your store and display everything beautifully to make sure your clients have a great shopping experience, you can recreate this online creating a nice layout and easy to navigate website.
In this case, to showcase your products you will need beautiful pictures to sell your products, that is why I keep mentioning how important it is to invest in photography, but that is a topic for another blog post!
So imagine Instagram as that window display that will bring your client into your shop, your website.
Your Instagram feed is a great tool for you to get your client’s attention and also to let them get to know you and your business.

All sounds good, but despite seeing all these beautiful perfectly curated feeds on Instagram… you may have no idea how to get yours!
I get it, it can be overwhelming. That is why I decided to lay out a step by step process that will help you get that curated feed you want.
Steps by step guide: how to curate your IG feed.
I have prepared some tips to get you started and have a beautifully curated feed. Like everything, needs a bit of practice and patience, but can be a very creative and fun activity to do!
- Pick your style: get inspiration from other accounts, go on Pinterest and create a board with all your ideas. Don't overthink it, just collect what you like.
- Get all the current images you have: that will give you a general idea of how much you have got and how it looks.
- Pick a colour palette: analyse your images and the style you selected on Pinterest.
I am sure that in your images you will have repeated colours, identify which ones represent you. After you define your colours and style, try to keep that on your website and logo as well.
- Create new images: You may be missing some images that represent you and your business, so it is time to organise a photoshoot. That will give you lots of images to use for a long time. Also, they will all look the same style as it is from the same shoot, which will help to keep consistency.
- Classify your pictures: once you got your pictures, keep the great ones for your feed and the ones you aren’t that proud of for stories.
- Create slides/ carousels with your colour palette: it will help your grid look consistent. These slides are where you can give value, write about your business, ideas and share testimonials.
- Include at least one picture of yourself: yes, you need to let the world know who you are! These are normally the ones that get more engagement because people love to see who is behind the brand.

Here is my Instagram feed.
I decided to pick yellow as my brand colour and now I am transitioning towards a more orange tones to represent the autumn season.
Your colours and style is a totally personal choice, it is for you to reflect your personality. Choose the colours and the style you like and are comfortable with and try to not get caught into comparing yourself with other accounts, it will only be harmful, I talk from experience!
Once you have got your images and content ready, it is time to play puzzles, organise them in a way that pleases you. Leave the pressure aside and have fun, find one app that helps you see the whole grid. I used to use Tailwind but now I moved into Planoly as I prefer the way I can see the calendar and my post at the same time.
Spending some time creating a beautifully curated feed will pay off: it will attract new clients and will show your style.
I hope this post has been helpful! I would love to see how your feed is looking, so don't hesitate to leave your IG handle on the comments below or contact me on my Instagram.
P.S. Do you need some help creating images for your Instagram feed? Send me a message for more help.