Every time I would see her at work, she looked very focused, very concentrated on what she was doing. Serious, professional but at the same time she would always have a lovely smile to share with you.
I admire people who can keep concentration for so long. So focused, so driven. Even if it is a hard job, and I can tell you, it was.
I met Stan at 2 different clients job, and she was always with the right attitude: very professional and discreet, quick response. Exactly what you expect from a stylist assistant. And I was glad I recognised her and I decided to approach her telling that I also worked with the same 2 clients.
Since then, we kept chatting every time we were in the a job: we shared work experiences, we shared ideas and dreams and we laugh at some past situations.
Stan is a talented stylist, very hard working, that knows exactly what she wants in her career. With a vast experience on the fashion world and an impressive portfolio, she is now heading towards a more personal project: personal styling.
I would not have imagined that from our first chat, we will end up preparing a partnership together or that she would come up to my studio and interview me!
She wrote beautiful things about my work and about me. I am so grateful and flattered for it. The thing that touched me more from the conversation we had was sharing the experiences and looking back to our careers and how far we have come.
We have worked very hard. We are still working very hard. We have a better idea of what we want, there is still a lot of work to do but we will achieved it, I am sure of it.
Would you like to see what Stan and I talked about? You can read the interview here:
