It is scary, I know. Believe me, I have been there. Someone pointing at you with a camera, not knowing where to put your arms, thinking " omg Am I looking very silly right now!?"
I completely understand. I am the most awkward person to be in front of the camera!
But you know it is inevitable: you need images of yourself for your business, for your brand. But the only thought of standing in front of a camera terrifies you. But you know those selfies don't make you look that professional and I am sure they don't make you justice.
And you know why I know they don't make you justice? Because I know you can look good on pictures. If I can, so do you!
But you want to know the secret on looking good on camera?
Trust. Yes, trust. Trusting yourself and trusting who is taking the picture.
You need to feel comfortable. It is when you will look natural, just like yourself, a beautiful human being :) That comes with a little bit of practice, but this is only the 50% of the process.
The other 50% is trusting your photographer.
And now you may be wondering: "How can I trust someone I don't know if I cannot even trust myself with my phone taking a selfie?!"

Well, the answer is easy: get to know your photographer. How? Let's start:
1. Find the photographer that matches your style: look for the type of pictures you are looking to get for yourself.
2. Research about them and even contact them to see if you are a good match.
3. Ask for their work process: the way they work, their experience, etc.
4. Ask for their rate, or even better, plan a budget and tell them. Most of photographer may tailor their services to your budget if they see you are a good client to work with.
5. Does that photographer work with a team? A make up artist, a stylist... see if that something that interests you. Knowing that they work with a team means they have experience working together so the value of the photoshoot as well as the outcome can be amazing!
6. Follow your intuition: I am sure you will have a gut feeling once you find the photographer that suits you best. Don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you need, they are professionals and I am sure they will be more than happy to help.
Once you have decided to go with your team, follow their instructions on how to prepare for the shoot.
On the day of the shoot, the photographer will guide you and make you feel comfortable. You will only need to be yourself, follow their directions and have a positive attitude. One last thing you need to keep in mind: no bad words regarding your physic! Those are only lies we tell ourselves, don't bring yourself down :)
I am more than sure that if you find "your" photographer you will have a successful photoshoot with beautiful pictures of yourself.
P.S. I offer a personal brand photoshoot where I team up with the make up artist and good friend Jen Lo, working together on my studio. I can assure you will get great pictures, a good laugh and a boost on your self esteem that may even make you come back for more :) Interested? Get in touch here.