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The new normal

Things have changed dramatically this last year: business have to adapt to the current circumstances. If we want to keep going we need to make sure we update our services and keep being competitive in a saturated market.

And not only we had to push our services and presence online, we also had to adapt our working spaces.

I provide different services like fashion photography, content creation, post production, and I make sure that everything runs smoothly. As you may know, my photography business is one person business, so I am basically in charge of the whole creative process and also the management of the studio.

If this virus has taught us something, is that we have to look out for one another. That is why in my studio, I want to make sure I keep the safety measures in place:

- I clean my hands and my studio is disinfected regularly.

- I clean the products that I have to photograph before and after the shoot.

- I provide sanitiser gel and mask to everyone who comes to the studio to work or for meetings.

- If there is a photo session, I check everyone's temperature before the start of the shoot.

- I keep the space ventilated.

The studio is divided in different areas and it is big enough to keep 2 meters distance between one another. It is a wide and long space capable to host a 4-5 person photoshoot. Also can be very well ventilated due to the big door and 2 wide windows that the studio have.

Being under a lockdown at the moment, I am only working on remote projects. Once the lockdown will be lifted, people will be able to come however I will select the amount of people comes to the studio and I will clean all the surfaces and spaces after.

I am taking this situation seriously and I want to make sure we can all be safe and sound :)

Would you like to know more about my services? You can get in touch here

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